Scripture Favorites

From VSI literature: We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the Gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us. 1 Thessalonians 2:8

Gary's: Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:6-7

Joanne's: But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Update on Joanne

(Blogmaster’s note: The Grenell’s have been unable to forward photos due to lack of sufficient computer time, as they explain in the “P.S.”, that I’ve added to this update on Joanne. Thus, the first image was NOT taken by the Grenells, and is only a representation of what Joanne might have tried to cross resulting in her injury. The other photos ARE photos the Grenells have taken that I pulled from the archives. These photos most likely have appeared in previous updates and/or can be found in the photo slideshow posted on the blog.)

(on-line image of an actual irrigation ditch in Tanzania)

Thanks to all for your prayers! We had comments from coast to coast about Joanne's misstep and the consequences. She's still a bit gimpy, but is back to a full schedule of teaching. We even went to church by the same route last Sunday. It was a BYOB service . . . - Bring Your Own Bridge! I carried a board to stretch across the irrigation ditch so that Joanne could step over. (I didn't have a cape, but I'm still her prince!)

We took in a "football" game the other night. Idigima won against a village team 3-0. American football sure is a lot easier (for me) to understand, but we're learning.

We have four of our top Form IV grads helping with the Pre-Form classes. Three are teaching math and the fourth is taking over the third English class so that all classes have individual teachers responsible. Gary still has a few periods where he is suppose to be in English class and Bible Knowledge class at the same time, but we're dealing with it by making assignments to keep students busy and combining some classes to catch them up on their notes. Gary's Pre-Form English class is the newest students, growing daily. Two weeks ago there were 84 in the classroom; now there are 114. We've talked to the Headmaster about it and he plans to divide the class next week. We gave the students a test today to see who needs to back up a bit and make a fresh start with the newest students.

Building is in full swing. Thanks to a couple of very generous offerings from Idigima supporters, truck loads of timber, nails, roofing and cement has been arriving lately. The students and villagers are contributing bricks and sand. The plan is to get all materials on campus and then bring in a number of laborers to get the buildings up quickly. It will be so totally awesome to see the two buildings started last summer and FOUR other buildings built this year! Thank you all for giving from your hearts and the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

With all of our love and appreciation,

Gary and Joanne Grenell

P.S. We’re taking all kinds of pics and video, but have no way to load due to short time available with the computer, network, battery charge, etc. When possible, we'll forward you some pics. Sorry!

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