The Director of VST, Mr. Godfrey, and Secretary, Mr. Emanueli, paid Idigima Secondary School a surprise visit on May 5th.
After addressing the student body, a large box was brought from the car and the Gospel of John booklets distributed to each of the students.
We’d known that VST was blessed by a Tanzanian publisher in the printing of the Scripture portion in Swahili, but because of our swelling population since the printing, we were not sure if there would be enough copies allocated to Idigima for all students to receive one.
As you can see from the photographs, the response was one of joy and praise.
Attending church in a nearby village on Sunday, we saw quite a few students with the booklet in hand.
Thank you for your support of this ministry; you are an encouragement to us and the 876 students we serve.
Gary and Joanne Grenell
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