“Good morning, Madam Joanna!!!” The deafening greeting can be heard over much of the campus for four reasons.
First, the Pre-Form One class is currently located in the Administration Building’s carpenter shop, which for ventilation has no glass in the second story windows of the “cathedral” ceiling; sound carries out through those windows like a broadcast speaker.
Second, the class has recently acquired a few more desks, so the students are happy to be sharing only two to a desk instead of three, or using a second chair as a desk.
Third, the number of voices is increasing daily, now at over 70. For those of you who are new to our updates, last year’s Pre-Form enrollment ended in November at over 400! Those students are now in Form One, divided into six classrooms.
The fourth reason for a jubilant welcome of their English teacher is the most important: these students are super excited about learning English and the opportunity to attend secondary school. Many completed their “primary/standard 7” education years ago and were given no options to contine. That, and the added thrill of having a “mzungu” (white person) as a teacher puts them over the top.
Joanne has had a number of her students visit our home and say they learned very little or no English during their elementary years; “the teachers did not speak English well” or “were not present.” VST provides a very special attraction in bringing English-speaking teachers to their schools. Although all secondary schools are supposed to teach in English, the frustration of communicating in a foreign language results in most national teachers writing the notes on the blackboard in various degrees of legible English and giving the verbal teaching in Swahili.
Very soon we will be returning to the States to greet you, our supporters, and answering any questions you may have about the life and ministry at Idigima. We hope, Lord willing, to then return to the work here in September. During those months, Joanne’s class will have swelled to perhaps 200, receiving instruction in math and English from some of the national teachers. September will be a very busy month with the typing and printing of the “fall” Mid-Term Examinations, followed by National Exams in October and November for the Form IV and Form II students, respectively. Pre-Form will continue to grow in number and knowledge in preparation for their examination in December, which will determine their qualification to enter Form I.
With all of this before us and our students, we hope you will lift us up in prayer as the Lord leads.
Thank you for being indispensible partners in this ministry of hope and love.
Gary and Joanne Grenell
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