A girl came to the house with a cut on her foot, and because Joanne was busy with three students on some sewing projects, she told me to have the girl wash her feet. I gave the girl a basin and directed her to the kitchen area where the water bin is located. When she poured three pitchers of water into the basin, I said, “My goodness, girl, that’s enough for a bath. Are you going to haul water for me later?” (Water is precious during the dry season and has to be carried from the river.) She just smiled and took the basin to the wash room. I went back to what I was doing, Joanne treated the girl’s cut, then the student disappeared with one of our buckets. She was back in minutes and returned to the wash room. Shortly, we heard splashing going on and the other students began to chatter and laugh. Obviously, the girl had understood me to say that she should haul water for a bath. The girl came out a bit later wanting to know if she could borrow lotion (they “oil down” after a bath). We all had a good laugh and teased her about maybe wanting Joanne’s eye liner and lipstick as well. Like Joanne says, “These are our kids.” Well, some are getting quite comfortable with the idea.
Love and grace to all,
Gary and Joanne Grenell, your ambassadors in Christ to Tanzania
Love and grace to all,
Gary and Joanne Grenell, your ambassadors in Christ to Tanzania