We still use the solar panels when possible, but the new home-based regulator is working well for getting the computer batteries charged fully in just a few minutes. Now we just need our own modem for Internet connection . . .
We are showing the Jesus film two or three times a week to 40-45 students at a time. Joanne made movie tickets, so it's a big deal among the students. Any larger group and they wouldn't be able to see and hear well. One of the older Christian students gives an invitation or encouragement in Christ at the end. Response has been great!
This, added to visits to the village two to four times per week and handling First Aid at the games keeps our evenings pretty packed out. I have exams piling up that need to be scored and returned in both English and Bible. Of course, the students want to know the next day how they did . . . So, better close and get it done.
Gary (& Joanne)
That is so great!! Praise God for the spreading of his gift of Christ!