Well, time flies when you're having fun . . .
Seems like we just got here, but then we think back over the year and so much has happened.
This last week will be a blur, I'm sure. The days fly by during test week, monitoring the exam rooms all day and by night grading papers/exams, completing sewing projects for students, and preparing to close the house up for 10 weeks.

In addition to the routine of the day and night, students are coming to the house to give us their personal well-wishes in our travel.

Some too, are coming to work in appreciation for services we've given, either helping them with school fees, providing food, or sewing/mending their uniforms.

Joanne's garden and flower beds are providing work projects. They are hauling water for the carrots we'll never enjoy eating (they'll be harvested and eaten by students and staff while we are gone), harvesting the shell beans that we will live on this next year, repairing the garden fence, and filling the flower beds out front with stones. Anywhere there is not a plant, the chickens come in and dig a hole for dusting. Without the stones, they'd dig up the plant's roots in the process.
Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support!!! The construction of the 20th classroom and laboratory building is taking place as I type this. The students are hauling timbers to the newest 12 classrooms for the installation of ceiling boards. Cement is in the storeroom for the new classroom flooring and chalkboards.
On the spiritual side, Bible Club is a big draw, with over 30 students attending the last meeting...and they are excited about the study of the subjects they chose: Christian character and church unity. In the process of this study, we've learned that Idigima is different than other TZ secondary schools in that our chapel services combine all students. Other schools (government and private that have chapel), allow the students to worship in small groups of their given denomination. One of our Bible Club students passed me a note telling me that he intends to visit other schools to talk with students and headmasters about bringing unity to the Body of Christ. Pray for this effort! Spirit oppression has been minimal of late, of which we are very thankful . . . and we know it is because of our partnering prayer warriors in the States! Thank you!!!
See you soon, Lord willing, for face-to-face fellowship. Be in prayer for our 5-day journey. We'll leave the campus on Tuesday, bus to Dar on Wednesday, fly to London on Friday, and fly to Chicago on Saturday (23rd).
Christian love and hugs to all,
Gary and Joanne Grenell